Proposed Changes Related to The Johnson County Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation Team:

  • The Johnson County District Attorney’s Office would maintain a page on its website specifically related to the Johnson County Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation Team.

    • Such page would include a link to the current Johnson County Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation Team Procedures and Protocols Manual.

    • Such page would include a link to the Memorandum of Understanding entered into by each participating city/law enforcement agency and the Johnson County Chiefs and Sheriffs Association regarding participation in the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team.

    • Such page would include contact information for the Johnson County Chiefs and Sheriffs Association and OISIT.

    • Such page would include a link to all press releases made in connection with officer involved shootings investigated by the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team.

  • Each city and law enforcement agency participating in the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team should have a link on its website to the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team’s webpage on the Johnson County District Attorney’s website

An example of these proposed changes is found on the website maintained by the District Attorney of Larimer County, Colorado with regard to its multi- jurisdictional Critical Incident Response Team.

  • The comprehensive prosecution summary prepared by the Report Officer of the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team for the Johnson County District Attorney shall conform to the following template:

    • The finalized comprehensive prosecution summary prepared by the Report Officer and the cover report prepared by the Team Commander of the Johnson County Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Team shall not be submitted to the Johnson County District Attorney until all crime lab reports have been completed and reviewed by the party requesting such crime lab analysis and report.

    • The Media Fact Sheet, Press Release and/or the written opinion letter that the Johnson County District Attorney prepares announcing the findings of his review of the officer involved shooting must include the forensic evidence relied upon in reaching his findings.

An example of the type of opinion letter expected, can be found on the website of the District Attorney of Larimer County, Colorado.