MORE2 More Justice, More Equity Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:52:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MORE2 32 32 Feds zeroing in on decades of allegations of KCKPD corruption Fri, 30 Dec 2022 20:04:51 +0000 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department admitted in October they have been responding to FBI inquiries since 2019. Now, it’s more ...

The post Feds zeroing in on decades of allegations of KCKPD corruption first appeared on MORE2.


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department admitted in October they have been responding to FBI inquiries since 2019.

Now, it’s more clear what the federal probe is looking for.

Subpoenas sent to the Unified Government and KCKPD ask for an extensive list of investigative files that date back to the late 80s, as well as records on homicides, homicide victims, informants and police officers.

Much of the information, including which homicides, dates and names, is redacted.

View the subpoenas:

The federal probe centers on allegations of decades-long corruption within the police department, including excessive force, rape, homicide, assault, harassment, intimidation, planting drugs and more.

Also at the center of the investigation is Roger Golubski, a former detective accused of exploiting and terrorizing Black residents in KCK for years.

Golubski has not faced any charges related to the accusations.

The subpoenas ask for all homicide listings from 1988 through 2010, when Golubski retired.

The subpoenas ask for the following:

  • April 28, 2021 – All records related to three homicides. Any and all photos of a list of police officers (uniform or plain clothes). Homicides and the list of officers are redacted.
  • Sept. 16, 2020 – All records related to six homicides. All investigative files related to four people identified as witnesses or victims of those homicide investigations. Any and all files related to 36 informants. Any and all files or databases registered to or handled by a redacted person.
  • Sept. 18, 2019 – Any and all records related to three homicides. Any and all homicide listings from 1988 to 2010.
  • Nov. 10, 2020 – Any and all records related to two homicides
  • May 26, 2021 – Any and all records related to one homicide. Any and all records about a redacted person that includes them as a witness/victim in a violent crime, prostitution and drug trafficking. Records including investigator notes, reports & intelligence and booking photographs. Any and all informant files related to a redacted person or incident.
  • Nov. 10, 2021 – Physical evidence in possession of KCKPD related to a homicide and redacted items at different redacted locations.
  • July 24, 2019 – A case file for a redacted case including notes, documents, evidence, records, recordings, reports and correspondence between a redacted time and the present.
  • June 26, 2019 – Any and all records related to allegations made by a redacted person against a redacted former officer beginning in a redacted date. Any and all items collected / tested as part of the Internal Affairs Unit investigation into the allegations. Evidence list redacted. Lab reports / evidence test results related to the investigation. Any and all KCKPD / Internal Affairs records related to complaints or investigations into five redacted officers.
  • Dec. (redacted) 2021 – The rape kit of a redacted person and any records related to the rape kit.

A spokesperson for the KCK police department said they have been fully cooperating with the investigations since the beginning, and continue to do so.

“To my knowledge, we have not received any further subpoenas,” the spokesperson said. “The KCKPD has received no communication from the FBI that indicates that their investigation extends to our current department.”

Numerous social justice organizations, such as MORE2 and Team Roc, are pressuring the Department of Justice to open up a ‘pattern-or-practice’ investigation into the corruption allegations.

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Source: Feds zeroing in on decades of allegations of KCKPD corruption

The post Feds zeroing in on decades of allegations of KCKPD corruption first appeared on MORE2.

Buscan acusar a policía que abusó de varias mujeres en Kansas Fri, 30 Dec 2022 20:04:12 +0000 Kansas City, Missouri — Dos mujeres que afirman haber sido víctimas de abusos sexuales por parte del detective de la policía de Kansas City, Kansas ...

The post Buscan acusar a policía que abusó de varias mujeres en Kansas first appeared on MORE2.


Kansas City, Missouri — Dos mujeres que afirman haber sido víctimas de abusos sexuales por parte del detective de la policía de Kansas City, Kansas (KCK), Roger Golubski, expresaron su interés en demandar, si la ley estatal se los permitiera.

Una de las mujeres, Ophelia Williams, dijo que se despertó una mañana de agosto de 1999 cuando los agentes de policía, que buscaban a sus hijos adolescentes, golpearon la puerta de su casa en KCK.

La policía dijo que tenía una orden de registro. Cuando los dejó entrar, los agentes detuvieron a sus gemelos, quienes tenían 14 años, y registraron las habitaciones, el sótano y el garaje. Fue entonces, mientras ella estaba en su sala en camisón, cuando Golubski se presentó.

Williams, una mujer afroamericana que trabajaba en un restaurante, le preguntó qué estaba pasando. Pero Golubski, un policía blanco quien, de acuerdo con los abogados, explotaba a las mujeres afroamericanas con fines sexuales, se limitó a mirarla fijamente, de acuerdo con lo que declaró años después en una declaración para otro caso. Recordó que le dijo que tenía unas piernas bonitas y que su hija de 12 años, quien estaba en la habitación, crecería para ser guapa como ella. La interacción incomodó a Williams.

Varios días después, Golubski volvió. Williams supuso que estaba allí para hablar de sus hijos, quienes estaban detenidos por un doble homicidio. Golubski le dijo a Williams que era amigo del fiscal del distrito y que podía ayudarla, dijo ella. Se sentaron.

Williams se fijó en la pistola de Golubski. Entonces él se acercó, recordó ella. Le puso la mano en la pierna, dijo, y ella la apartó de un manotazo. Cuando se levantó y le preguntó qué estaba haciendo, él la empujó a un sofá y la agredió sexualmente, de acuerdo con lo que declaró bajo juramento durante una declaración en 2020.

Ahora Williams y la otra mujer —identificada en los documentos judiciales como S. K., quien alega que Golubski abusó de ella durante cuatro años a partir de los 13 años— le pidieron a sus abogados que presenten una demanda judicial contra él. Sus acusaciones salieron a la luz por primera vez a través de la demanda presentada por Lamonte McIntyre —quien sostenía que Golubski lo había inculpado en un doble asesinato en 1994—, que recientemente se resolvió por  12.5 millones de dólares.

Ophelia Williams, de 60 años, de Kansas City, alegó bajo juramento en una declaración de 2020 que el exdetective de la policía de Kansas City, Kansas, Roger Golubski, la agredió sexualmente en 1999 cuando investigaba a sus hijos de 14 años por un doble homicidio.

Los abogados de McIntyre y de su madre, Rose McIntyre, afirmaron en las actas judiciales que Golubski “victimizó, agredió, acosó” o intentó dañar a más de 70 mujeres. The Kansas City Star presentó recientemente una moción para intervenir en el caso en un esfuerzo por hacer públicos los registros sellados.

El año pasado, a raíz de las noticias de una investigación del gran jurado federal en torno a Golubski reportada por primera vez por CNN, el departamento de policía de KCK reconoció que había estado respondiendo a las citaciones del FBI desde 2019 sobre el exdetective.

La noticia llegó después de años de informes de The Star en cuanto a las acusaciones contra Golubski.

Pero para las dos mujeres que ahora indagaron en la presentación de demandas, su camino legal sería mucho más difícil que el de los McIntyres, porque el estatuto de limitaciones del estado relacionado con las demandas de agresión sexual ha seguido su curso.

En los últimos años, los legisladores de Kansas intentaron sin éxito eliminar ese breve plazo, al menos para los supervivientes de abusos sexuales en la infancia. Los partidarios de ampliar —o eliminar— el plazo de prescripción dijeron que beneficia al presunto autor, teniendo en cuenta que muchos supervivientes que luchan por ello no se presentan durante décadas. De acuerdo con un estudio, la edad promedio de revelación de los abusos a menores es de unos 52 años.

La senadora Cindy Holscher, una demócrata de Overland Park que ha liderado el esfuerzo legislativo, dijo que un “número de mujeres” no han podido presentar demandas debido al estatuto. El volumen de acusaciones contra Golubski —que él ha negado en los registros judiciales— también llamó la atención de Holscher.

Después de esa primera agresión hace casi 23 años, alega Williams, Golubski se limpió y se fue. Conmocionada, se sentó a llorar. El abuso, declaró, continuó varias veces a lo largo de los casos de sus hijos, probablemente durante más de un año, ya que Golubski la obligó a hacer actos sexuales durante el servicio y en su coche patrulla.

Un abogado le preguntó si alguna vez había llamado a la policía.

“No”, dijo ella. “Él era la policía”.

Como adulto, Williams generalmente tenía una ventana de dos años para presentar una demanda por denuncias de agresión sexual en Kansas. Eso pasó a principios de la década de 2000.

En el momento de las supuestas agresiones, Williams no sabía qué hacer. Veía a Golubski como un detective poderoso y declaró que él le advirtió que podía “hacer que alguien me hiciera algo” y que “nunca me encontrarían”.

Williams dejó de confiar en la gente. Hoy en día vigila su espalda, con miedo, y comprueba que sus puertas estén cerradas en mitad de la noche. También se sentía avergonzada; durante años no se quiso a sí misma.

“No puedo comer la mitad del tiempo porque me siento y lloro”, le dijo Williams, quien ahora tiene 60 años, a The Star. “Lloré todos los días, todo el día, durante años y años y años”.

Golubski, quien se retiró como capitán de KCKPD en 2010, no terminó ayudando a los hijos de Williams, como supuestamente afirmó que haría. Fueron condenados por asesinato y enviados a prisión.

A los 13 años, Ortez Johnson, el hijo menor de Ophellia Williams, fue arrestado con sus hermanos en 1999. Ortez, ahora de 36 años, recuerda haber sido esposado a una silla en KCKPD e interrogado durante horas sin un padre o abogado antes de que los detectives decidieran dejarlo ir. Más tarde, sus hermanos fueron condenados por asesinato.

El hijo menor de Williams, Ortez Johnson, también fue arrestado con sus hermanos e interrogado durante horas sin padre ni abogado antes de que los detectives decidieran dejarlo ir. Tenía 13 años.

Johnson, quien ahora tiene 36 años, vio recientemente fotos de su madre de principios de los años 90 y no la reconoció. Estaba “resplandeciente”, feliz y vibrante.

Desde entonces, Williams contrató al abogado William Skepnek, con sede en Lawrence, quien dijo que no debería haber un estatuto de limitaciones para las violaciones de la “confianza pública como esta”.

Algunas de las acusaciones contra Golubski salieron a la luz pública por primera vez en 2016 mientras los abogados trabajaban para liberar a McIntyre, quien pasó 23 años en prisión por dos asesinatos que no cometió.

Fue exonerado en 2017 y al año siguiente presentó una demanda federal que alegaba que Golubski le tendió una trampa, porque su madre rechazó sus avances sexuales después de que la agrediera dentro de su oficina en el departamento de policía de KCK. Después de años de litigio, los comisionados del Condado Wyandotte votaron en junio para resolver la demanda.

Los abogados de los McIntyre alegaron que Golubski usó su placa para aprovecharse de “innumerables” mujeres vulnerables a lo largo de sus 35 años de carrera, explotándolas con fines sexuales o para que trabajaran como “informantes” para esclarecer los casos que investigaba. Algunas eran indigentes, adictas a las drogas o trabajaban como prostitutas.

Aparte de Rose McIntyre, sus nombres fueron abreviados en los registros judiciales. Eso incluía a Williams, quien ya había hablado con The Star antes, pero prefirió ser identificada por su nombre completo públicamente por primera vez en esta historia.

El abogado Bob Hoffman representó a Williams y a la otra mujer, quien afirmó que Golubski abusó de ella cuando era adolescente, cuando fueron testigos en el caso McIntyre. Ambas mujeres preguntaron acerca de la posibilidad de presentar demandas, pero Hoffman dijo que el estatuto de limitaciones del estado presenta un obstáculo sustancial.

“Cualquiera que haya sido herido en la forma en la que estas mujeres fueron heridas querría demandar y querer ser capaz de verla resuelta”, dijo Hoffman. “Pero hubo un importante factor de intimidación que lo impidió durante años y años”.

Lora McDonald, directora ejecutiva de la Organización Metropolitana para la Equidad Racial y Económica (MORE²), una organización de justicia social que pidió que Golubski fuera acusado, lo dijo más claramente: calificó de “falso” el plazo y dijo que no debería haber uno para las supervivientes de violaciones.

“[Golubski] sigue viviendo y […] tiene un par de pensiones con el dinero de los impuestos que estas mujeres ganaron y pagaron y ellos lo saben”, dijo McDonald, quien conoce a Williams. “Están pagando por su propia supervivencia y por cómo vive en su jubilación y han conseguido cero justicia en absoluto”.

La prescripción no es un límite de tiempo absoluto, dijeron los expertos legales, sino una defensa a la que se puede renunciar. Significa que, si una de las mujeres demandara al Gobierno Unificado, los funcionarios del condado podrían renunciar a esa defensa y dejar que sus reclamaciones sean escuchadas en los tribunales.

“El Gobierno Unificado puede considerar la posibilidad de renunciar a la prescripción por interés de la justicia”, dijo la abogada Cheryl Pilate, quien representó a los McIntyre.

Un portavoz del Gobierno Unificado dijo que este no podía especular acerca de lo que podría ocurrir en un futuro asunto legal.

Tricia Rojo Bushnell, directora ejecutiva de Midwest Innocence Project (MIP), dijo que ha habido casos de abuso sexual generalizado, como en los Boy Scouts, en los que las jurisdicciones han cambiado los plazos para que las demandas pudieran proceder. Rojo Bushnell —quien ha hablado con mujeres que alegan haber sido violadas por Golubski— dijo que esa es una forma de reconocer el daño causado.

“¿A quién se acude cuando uno es agredido sexualmente por un policía?”, dijo Rojo Bushnell. “¿Cómo lo encuadras entonces en ese estatuto de limitaciones, en esa línea de tiempo? No ocurre”.

Holscher, la senadora de Kansas, presentó en enero un proyecto de ley que habría eliminado el plazo de prescripción de los litigios civiles para los y las supervivientes de abusos sexuales en la infancia, lo que significaría que podrían presentar demandas “en cualquier momento” por lesiones ocurridas desde 1984.

Al preguntársele por qué se centró en las víctimas infantiles, Holscher dijo que quería hacer un cambio “gradual”. Al principio, dijo, algunos legisladores no entendían por qué era necesaria la reforma.

Las víctimas infantiles solo pueden demandar hasta que cumplen 21 años, lo que Holscher describió como una ventana “muy estrecha”, o dentro de los tres años siguientes a descubrir una lesión o enfermedad causada por el abuso.

Ophelia Williams, de 60 años, comparte un abrazo con su hijo menor, Ortiz Johnson, de 36, en su casa de Kansas City. A los 13 años, Johnson fue arrestado con sus hermanos en 1999, pero no fue acusado.

Los supervivientes apoyaron el proyecto de ley de Holscher. Entre ellos, una mujer de Shawnee que dijo que, si se aprobaba el proyecto de ley, trataría de responsabilizar a un entrenador de gimnasia que abusó de ella desde los 12 años.

Instaron a la senadora Kellie Warren, republicana de Leawood y presidenta del Comité Judicial del Senado, a programar el proyecto de ley para una audiencia. Al no hacerlo, el proyecto de ley murió en el comité.

En marzo, seis supervivientes locales le escribieron una carta al director de The Star en la que le preguntaban a Warren por qué había “decidido bloquear” la tramitación del proyecto de ley. Uno de ellos era Terin Humphrey, dos veces medalla de plata olímpica y superviviente de Larry Nassar, el exmédico de USA Gymnastics y pederasta en serie.

Los pedófilos “se aprovechan de los niños en los hogares familiares, en las casas de acogida, en las escuelas y en las iglesias. De buena fe, los niños fueron enviados a instituciones de confianza”, escribieron. “Estos depredadores e instituciones ahora están protegidos por anticuadas leyes de prescripción”.

Cuando se le preguntó en julio por qué no había concedido una audiencia al proyecto de ley, Warren le dijo a un periodista que volviera a hablar con ella para poder “refrescar” su memoria.

“Estamos muy lejos de la sesión”, dijo Warren respecto al periodo legislativo, que terminó el 23 de mayo. “No tengo ningún comentario ahora mismo”.

Warren, quien buscó la nominación republicana para fiscal general de Kansas en las primarias del martes pero perdió, calificó más tarde la sesión de “increíblemente ocupada” y dijo que estaba orgullosa de otros esfuerzos, incluyendo uno que ahora requiere la prueba de kits de asalto sexual dentro de los 30 días de la recolección.

“El problema subyacente del abuso sexual infantil es un tema muy serio que no debería usarse como fútbol político”, dijo Warren en un comunicado. “Espero que sea en una próxima sesión y apoyaría ese esfuerzo”.

En Missouri, los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual en la infancia tienen una década más que los de Kansas, hasta que cumplan 31 años, para presentar demandas en contra de sus perpetradores.

En 2019, un proyecto de ley anterior destinado a eliminar el límite de tiempo fue presentado en la Cámara de Kansas, pero fue remitido para su revisión judicial después de que la Asociación Americana de Reforma de Agravios planteó preocupaciones constitucionales respecto a “revivir las reclamaciones prescritas” y calificó la eliminación retroactiva de las limitaciones como una “política poco sólida”. El grupo apoyó la ampliación del límite de tiempo, pero no suprimirlo por completo.

“Estas demandas se evaluarán en retrospectiva sobre la base de lo que ahora sabemos y las medidas para proteger a los niños que hoy damos por sentado”, su presidente, Sherman Joyce, le escribió a los legisladores en oposición al proyecto de ley, agregando que los líderes de las escuelas y otros grupos actualmente estarán “sujetos a la responsabilidad, no los que estaban a cargo de las organizaciones hace años”.

En su informe de la versión de 2019 del proyecto de ley, el Consejo Judicial de Kansas señaló que un puñado de estados han “eliminado totalmente” estatutos de limitación similares, mientras que otros los han descartado en ciertos casos. En Connecticut, por ejemplo, no hay límite si el abuso “condujo a una condena por agresión sexual”, le informó el grupo de abogados, jueces y profesores de derecho de Kansas a los legisladores.

Muchos otros estados, como California, han ampliado el límite de tiempo y lo han aplicado con carácter retroactivo, de acuerdo con el informe del consejo. Allí, un superviviente de la infancia puede presentar una demanda hasta que cumpla 40 años o dentro de los cinco años siguientes al descubrimiento de sus lesiones.

“Aproximadamente la mitad de los estados tienen leyes de prescripción con un límite de edad inferior a los 35 años. Kansas se encuentra al final de la lista con su límite de edad de 21 años, junto con Arkansas, Dakota del Sur y Washington”, escribieron. “Solo Iowa está por debajo, ya que su estatuto de limitaciones tiene un límite de edad de 19 años”.

Si se hubiera aprobado el proyecto de ley, la otra mujer depuesta como parte del caso McIntyre, quien figuraba como S. K. en los registros judiciales, podría haber podido presentar una demanda.

S. K. tenía 13 años cuando escuchó por primera vez a Golubski.

Era 1997. La llamó y le dijo que era una testigo en un caso penal y que, si no quería ir a la cárcel, tenía que hablar con él, de acuerdo con lo que declaró en 2020. Golubski, recordó, dijo que podría ser arrestada en KCKPD, por lo que, para protegerse, deberían reunirse en otro lugar.

S. K., quien en ese momento era una estudiante de secundaria, dijo que no tenía ni idea de lo que Golubski estaba hablando, pero pensó que el detective podría ayudarla a aclarar las cosas.

Aquella tarde, alguien llevó a la chica a unas pocas manzanas de distancia y se dirigió a un Walmart que estaba en State Avenue y N 64 Terrace, en donde Golubski encendió los faros, dijo.

La chica se subió al asiento del copiloto. Golubski le preguntó acerca de sus antecedentes, recordó ella, y una de sus preguntas la desconcertó: ¿A quién apreciaba más en su vida? A su abuela, respondió. También le confesó que había sufrido abusos sexuales en casas de acogida.

Durante una declaración de 2020, Ophelia Williams alegó bajo juramento que el ex detective de policía de Kansas City, Kansas, Roger Golubski, la agredió sexualmente en 1999 en esta casa donde vivía con sus cuatro hijos.

Golubski le puso la mano en el muslo y le dijo que no podía creer que alguien pudiera “hacerle cosas tan crueles a una persona tan hermosa”, le dijo la mujer a los abogados años después. Luego Golubski subió la mano a la pierna de la mujer y la amenazó.

“Me dijo que mantuviera la boca cerrada y que, si quería volver a ver a mi dulce abuelita, me aconsejaba que no hablara con nadie ni hablara con nadie, que básicamente actuara como si no existiera”, dijo. “O estaría despidiendo a mi abuela con un beso o mi hermano estaría cumpliendo cadena perpetua”.

Golubski la agredió con sus dedos y “empezó a acariciar su pene”, declaró la mujer bajo juramento. Volvió a decirle que no lo contara y le describió el uniforme de enfermera que llevaba su abuela ese día, diciéndole “Ojalá no sea el último atuendo en el que la veas”, recordó la mujer.

Días después, Golubski llamó a la niña y le pidió que se reuniera con ella, dijo. Cuando lo hizo, Golubski la llevó a un callejón detrás de una escuela primaria, en donde le advirtió de las consecuencias si no “acataba sus exigencias”, declaró. Una de las consecuencias, dijo, era “dejar esta tierra”.

Entonces Golubski la violó, declaró. Las agresiones continuaron hasta que S. K. tuvo casi 18 años, dijo en respuesta a las preguntas de Pilato, el abogado de los McIntyre. Cuando tenía unos 15 años, dijo, la encontraron inconsciente cerca de un baño de la escuela por haber perdido “demasiada sangre”. La llevaron al hospital y le dijeron que había sufrido un aborto. Solo Golubski, alegó, podría haberla dejado embarazada.

En un momento dado, Pilato le preguntó a la mujer por qué había accedido. Ella respondió: “Porque no quería morir”. Golubski supuestamente abusó de ella en una zona desolada e industrial cercana a la confluencia de los ríos Missouri y Kansas y, de acuerdo con ella, le cantó una canción de cuna que decía “Down by the river, said a hanky panky, where they won’t find you until you stankin” (“Abajo en el río, dijo un hanky panky, en donde no te encontrarán sino hasta que apestes”).

“Puedo tirarte a ese río y nadie se enterará nunca”, dijo Golubski. “Eres huérfana. Nadie sabe que desapareciste”.

Golubski supuestamente dijo que nadie oiría sus gritos con el sonido de los trenes cercanos. La niña se sentía como si estuviera a “un paso en falso” de la muerte. S. K. le mordió el pulgar y dejó sangre en su coche, de acuerdo con lo que declaró, para que su familia pudiera encontrarla si ocurría algo.

La mujer también recordó que Golubski le puso una correa de perro alrededor del cuello y caminó junto a ella mientras se arrastraba. Pilato, un abogado experimentado, respondió durante la declaración: “Dios mío”.

En aquel momento, a S. K. le habría resultado difícil encontrar un abogado que creyera que un detective la estaba violando a costa de los contribuyentes. Ni siquiera una tía en la que confió creía en ella, dijo.

S. K. declaró que el FBI la ha entrevistado, probablemente como parte de una investigación del gran jurado federal que se cree que está en curso sobre Golubski. Williams le dijo a The Star que ella también ha hablado con funcionarios federales, tan recientemente como a principios de este verano.

La Oficina de Investigación de Kansas (KBI) comenzó su propia investigación en 2019, centrándose en las acusaciones de abuso y si se cometieron delitos durante el caso que llevó a la condena de McIntyre. KBI dijo más tarde que no encontró evidencia de violaciones de la ley de Kansas que todavía estaban dentro del estatuto de limitaciones criminales, pero que compartió con las autoridades información relacionada con “posibles violaciones federales”.

S. K. no es la única niña que Golubski ha sido acusado de explotar.

En una declaración jurada de 2014, Siobaughn Nichols, quien pasó gran parte de su vida en KCK, dijo que a Golubski “le gustaban especialmente las mujeres jóvenes, muy jóvenes, a veces”, incluyendo dos niñas que ella recordaba a las que supuestamente les pagó por sexo. Tenían 12 y 16 años, escribió. Dijo que conocía a las chicas personalmente y que una de ellas era una prima.

“La gente parecía creer que el detective Golubski dirigía el condado de Wyandotte”, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada de Nichols, “porque aparentemente podía salirse con la suya”.

No está claro cuántas mujeres demandarían a Golubski, o a otros oficiales de KCK, si pudieran.

En una de las docenas de declaraciones tomadas en el caso McIntyre, Tina Peterson dijo que se encontró con “numerosas” víctimas de Golubski mientras trabajaba en un refugio de KCK para mujeres maltratadas en la década de 1980. Lloraban y se estremecían cuando hablaban del “sucio policía” que “dejaba” a algunas mujeres en la calle, “todavía sin ropa, cuando terminaba con ellas”, de acuerdo con su declaración.

Peterson llamó dos veces a la policía de KCK para presentar una queja esa década, molesta porque un oficial supuestamente dañó a las personas que “se suponía que debía proteger”, escribió. Nadie le devolvió la llamada, dijo.

Como parte de la demanda de McIntyre, se le preguntó a Golubski en una declaración de 2020 si entendía que estaba siendo acusado de “algunos de los actos más graves de corrupción que un oficial de policía puede cometer”. Se negó a responder. En total, invocó 555 veces su derecho a guardar silencio en virtud de la Quinta Enmienda.

La abogada de derechos civiles Emma Freudenberger, una de las defensoras de los McIntyre, le preguntó a Golubski si alguna vez había violado a un menor en su vehículo policial o si había amenazado a S. K. “desde los registros de acogida”. En ambas ocasiones, Golubski se ocultó tras la Quinta Enmienda. Lo hizo de nuevo cuando se le preguntó si había violado a Williams.

Morgan Roach, quien representó a Golubski en el caso McIntyre pero no es su abogado personal, declinó hacer comentarios para este reportaje.

The Star no pudo contactar a Golubski. Nadie respondió cuando un reportero llamó a su última dirección en Edwardsville, que se encuentra en el Condado Wyandotte, y nadie respondió a una nota en busca de comentarios dejada en su buzón.

Ophelia Williams espera que Golubski, de 69 años, despierte pronto entre rejas.

Ahora que vive en Missouri, Williams se describe a sí misma como alguien que está “todavía muy furiosa”. Le cuesta dormir algunas noches. Dice que se ha “cansado de quedarse sin decir nada” al ver los reportajes acerca de Golubski. La única manera de curarse, dijo, es que la verdad salga a la luz.

Y espera que los legisladores de Kansas cambien el estatuto de limitaciones para que pueda buscar una apariencia de justicia.

“No solo para mí, sino también para otras mujeres”, dijo Williams.

Source: Buscan acusar a policía que abusó de varias mujeres en Kansas

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Ex-Police Detective Suspected of Preying on Black Women Faces U.S. Charges – The New York Times Fri, 30 Dec 2022 19:56:08 +0000 Ex-Police Detective Suspected of Preying on Black Women Faces U.S. Charges Source: Ex-Police Detective Suspected of Preying on Black Women Faces U.S. Charges – The ...

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Ex-Police Detective Suspected of Preying on Black Women Faces U.S. Charges

Source: Ex-Police Detective Suspected of Preying on Black Women Faces U.S. Charges – The New York Times

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Ex-Detective in Kansas Helped Men Run Sex Trafficking Operation, U.S. Says – The New York Times Mon, 14 Nov 2022 18:15:39 +0000 Ex-Detective in Kansas Helped Men Run Sex Trafficking Operation, U.S. Says Women and girls, who were as young as 13, experienced violence, abuse, rape and ...

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Ex-Detective in Kansas Helped Men Run Sex Trafficking Operation, U.S. Says

Women and girls, who were as young as 13, experienced violence, abuse, rape and death threats from 1996 to 1998, according to a federal indictment.

Roger Golubski, a former police detective, at a hearing in Wyandotte County Court in Kansas last month.
Credit…Carlos Moreno/Kcur 89.3

A former police detective in Kansas who was charged in September with sexually assaulting two women while on duty more than two decades ago now faces new federal charges that he helped three other men run a violent sex trafficking operation that preyed on underage girls in the 1990s, the Justice Department said on Monday.

The former detective, Roger Golubski, 69, and the other men were each charged with one count of conspiring to hold young women in a condition of involuntary servitude and one count of forcing a woman to provide sexual services to adult men, including themselves, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas.

The three other men — Cecil Brooks, LeMark Roberson and Richard Robinson, who the authorities said had been emboldened and shielded for years by Mr. Golubski — were also charged with holding a woman in involuntary servitude and forcing her to provide sexual services to Mr. Roberson, according to the indictment, which was filed in U.S. District Court in Kansas City, Kan.

If convicted of all crimes, the men could each face a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Mr. Golubski’s lawyer, Christopher Joseph, said in a statement that “Roger maintains his innocence and looks forward to clearing his name from these decades-old and uncorroborated allegations.”

Mr. Brooks and Mr. Roberson are in custody out of state and have not yet appeared in court, Mr. Joseph said.

Mr. Robinson’s lawyer, Justin Johnston, did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Monday night.

The indictment came less than three months after Mr. Golubski had been charged with six federal counts in connection with sexual assaults on two women more than two decades ago.

Lucas Behrens, a community organizer with MORE2, a local civil rights organization, said by phone on Monday night that the new charges announced on Monday gave credence to the activists and residents who had long accused the Kansas City Police Department of malfeasance.

Mr. Golubski, who is white, was particularly notorious, activists said, with Black women accusing him of terrorizing their community. He retired from the Police Department as a captain in 2010.

The indictment against the four men, which was unsealed on Monday, charges that they ran a sex-trafficking operation from 1996 to 1998 at the Delevan apartment complex in Kansas City, Kan.

According to the indictment, Mr. Golubski would accept money from Mr. Brooks, who ran the apartment complex, to the protect the three men from law enforcement agencies as they “used physical beatings, sexual assaults and threats to compel young women to provide sexual services to men.” Prosecutors said the defendants would also kidnap victims.

The indictment states that Mr. Brooks had “paid off law enforcement so that officers would provide warnings when police were about to ‘hit’ the house.”

The Kansas City Police Department did not immediately respond to a call seeking comment on Monday night.

Mr. Brooks used one unit at the apartment complex as an office where he stored guns, drugs and cash and held meetings, according to prosecutors.

Mr. Brooks would target women and girls as young as 13 who had just been released from the Beloit Juvenile Correctional Facility or who had run away from broken homes and would force them into sex trafficking, the indictment states. Mr. Golubski, the police officer, “primarily chose young Black girls, ranging in age from 13 to 17 years old, to submit to sex and to provide sexual services to him,” the indictment states.

The Delevan complex was split into the “office unit,” where Mr. Brooks could lock girls in from the outside; the “relaxed” area, where girls would use alcohol and drugs; and a “working house,” where they were compelled to perform sexual services for adult men, the indictment states.

One of the girls, a teenager who had just been released from the Beloit Juvenile Correctional Facility and whose mother had died by suicide, was moved into the office unit at Delavan and was held inside from September 1996 to October 1997, the indictment states.

That teenager, who escaped from the apartment complex in October 1997, went to a hospital after experiencing severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding because she was suffering from an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the wrong place in a woman’s body, according to charging documents.

Mr. Roberson, who had refused to allow her to leave to go a hospital, had impregnated her, the indictment states. On a separate occasion, he struck her with an iron and dragged her down a staircase by her hair while Mr. Brooks watched and laughed, according to the indictment.

Another teenager moved into Delevan at 16 after she had been released from the correctional facility. She initially lived in the “relaxed” area but was moved into the “working house.” She was forced to provide sexual services to men for four months to avoid being beaten, the indictment states. She ran away after she had received death threats and was repeatedly raped, according to prosecutors.

Mr. Behrens, the community organizer with MORE2, said the actions described in the indictment were indicative of a corrupt Police Department.

“This,” he said, “is the tip of the iceberg.”

Ophelia Williams, one of the women whom the Justice Department contended in September Mr. Golubski had raped, said by phone on Monday night that though she was still distraught by the damage done to her by the Police Department, she felt “really excited that everybody will get some justice for what they did to us.”

She said of the four men, “I hope they get behind bars.”

Source: Ex-Detective in Kansas Helped Men Run Sex Trafficking Operation, U.S. Says – The New York Times

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Kansas City officer pleads guilty to assaulting Black teen – ABC News Thu, 27 Oct 2022 17:11:33 +0000 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Kansas City, Missouri, police officer who kneed a Black 15-year-old in the neck and pushed his face into the ground ...

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Kansas City, Missouri, police officer who kneed a Black 15-year-old in the neck and pushed his face into the ground pleaded guilty Thursday to third-degree assault and lost his law enforcement license.

Sgt. Matthew Neal was sentenced to four years of probation for his actions against the juvenile, who was a passenger in a vehicle police pursued on Nov. 14, 2019.

Prosecutors said the teenager was handcuffed and on his stomach on the ground when Neal pressed his knee into the teen’s head and neck, pinning his face into the pavement while the victim said “I can’t breathe.”

The teen suffered bruising, broken teeth and a gash on his head. He was not arrested or charged with a crime.

As part of his probation, Neal was required to give up his law enforcement license, prohibited from carrying a firearm, ordered to take an anger management course and to write a letter of apology to the victim.

Kansas City police said Neal left the force on Thursday, The Kansas City Star reported.

“We are thankful to have resolved this case favorably,” said Neal’s attorney, Molly Hastings.

The victim’s attorney, Tom Porto, said he and his client were pleased with the outcome of the case. “It’s significant that a sergeant voluntarily pleaded guilty,” Porto said.

The victim did not appear in court Thursday because he wants to protect his privacy, the Jackson County Prosecutor’s office said.

In January 2021, the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners agreed to a $725,000 settlement of an excessive use of force claim filed by the teenager.

Police spokeswoman Capt. Leslie Foreman said in a statement the incident was reviewed and discussed at all levels of the department.

“We expect Department members to treat all citizens with dignity and respect at all times, and it did not happen in this case.” Foreman said.

A grand jury indicted Neal in August 2020. At the time, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said she was disturbed the incident occurred in November 2019 but her office was not made aware of it until the next spring.

Civil rights organizations have long criticized the police department and former police chief Rick Smith for their handling of excessive force complaints against Black people.

Lora McDonald, executive director of MORE2, the Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity, said the guilty plea on Thursday shows the criticism was valid.

“He (Neal) should have been fired years ago. How long does it take them to complete an assault investigation of their own?” McDonald said, noting that over 10 officers witnessed the confrontation but Smith was unaware of it for months.

Source: Kansas City officer pleads guilty to assaulting Black teen – ABC News

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Jackson County sheriff won’t let voter registration groups inside jail, citing a law that doesn’t exist Wed, 12 Oct 2022 17:23:36 +0000 Sheriff Darryl Forté has pointed to a nonexistent provision in Missouri’s new voting law to limit voter registration efforts inside the Jackson County jail, where ...

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Sheriff Darryl Forté has pointed to a nonexistent provision in Missouri’s new voting law to limit voter registration efforts inside the Jackson County jail, where hundreds of detainees are potentially eligible voters. Missouri’s voter registration deadline is Oct. 12. // Courtesy Kansas City Beacon

This story originally ran in the Kansas City Beacon.

Social justice and voting rights groups in Kansas City have been calling on Sheriff Darryl Forté to allow voter registration activities inside the Jackson County jail for several weeks. But as Missouri’s Oct. 12 deadline to register to vote approaches, Forté’s stance has left advocates confused and frustrated.

Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity (MORE2), the organization trying to set up voter registration at the jail, said the sheriff’s office has not cooperated with its attempts to bring registration groups to the detainees.

“We’ve been waiting to hear back from the sheriff’s office to explain to us what the protocol is, and if there’s not a system in place, we want to work together to ensure there is one before Oct. 12,” MORE2 leader Christine McDonald said last week.

In an interview with The Beacon, Forté said the jail has registered 45 individuals to vote in the Nov. 8 election. MORE2 estimates that about 400 detainees would be eligible to vote in Jackson County jail in this election if registered, but that many of these people may not know they are eligible to vote.

‘Let our people vote’

MORE2 initially reached out to the sheriff’s office the week of Sept. 12 to set up a day for voter registration groups to come into the jail to provide information to detainees and get them registered to vote. But after two weeks with no response, MORE2 held a demonstration in front of the Jackson County jail on Sept. 27, with members of the group chanting “Let our people vote.”

The sheriff responded on Oct. 3 with an email that said, “Inmates at the JCDC are being allowed to register. Not certain who might be distributing inaccurate information.”

When MORE2 followed up, asking again if it could facilitate a voter registration drive inside the jail with local voter registration groups, Forté responded, “I appreciate your desire to assist. We already have adequate resources to handle registration.”

McDonald and other MORE2 leaders remained skeptical.

“Now we’re being told there is a process in place. We’ve asked, OK, explain it to us … And they still will not tell us,” McDonald said. “Another thing we’re not getting any comment on is how many people they have registered to vote.”

MORE2 still had no answer on Oct. 7, less than a week before the voter registration deadline.

Forté cites a nonexistent legal provision to limit registrations

When The Beacon reached Forté for an interview on Oct. 10, he said the jail staff had registered 45 voters among the detained residents. Forté said that these were the only detainees who were interested in registering to vote in Jackson County jail.

“We have a closed system in the jail. We don’t invite everybody in,” Forté said. “And we only have fewer than 50 people who want to register.”

Out of Jackson County jail’s 2019 daily average population of 872 inmates, roughly 80%, or about 700 detainees, are awaiting trial and therefore presumed innocent, according to the jail’s website. Based on conversations with law enforcement, MORE2 assumed that roughly 300 are still on parole or probation for a previous conviction and therefore ineligible to vote.

That left their estimate at 400 detainees who are eligible to vote in Jackson County jail. Calvin Williford, a community organizer at MORE2, called that number a “conservative extrapolation.”

The sheriff could not confirm the accuracy of this estimate.

Forté said the jail is only allowed to register 50 voters according to a provision in Missouri’s new voting law that took effect Aug. 28. According to several sources, this provision does not exist.

“The new law won’t let you register more than 50 (people) in any election cycle,” Forté said. “We have a registrar at the jail, and I was advised that they can’t register — and again, it’s not for a detention center, but that’s any organization — you can’t register more than 50 during an election cycle.”

He said that the jail is limited to 50 people, regardless of whether any outside groups volunteer to assist.

The Beacon asked the Kansas City Election Board (KCEB) about the provision that the sheriff cited, and Democratic director Lauri Ealom said that she was not aware of any restriction like the one Forté described. Neither were League of Women Voters of Kansas City (LWVKC) President Anne Calvert or Williford from MORE2.

Denise Lieberman, director and general counsel of the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition, said the 50-person restriction does not exist. The Missouri Voter Protection Coalition is currently challenging the state’s new voter law in court alongside the American Civil Liberties Union.

“I’ve read that bill dozens and dozens of times,” Lieberman said. “I am living, breathing and sleeping that bill every single day of my life right now. And I can tell you, I have not seen anything that would in any way limit the total number of people that can be registered (in a jail).”

When informed of this, the sheriff clarified that the jail is only provided 50 application cards by the KCEB, and if the jail’s registrar needs more, they must request them from the secretary of state. However, if voter registration groups like LWVKC or the NAACP register detainees to vote in Jackson County jail, they would bring their own application cards.

With no legal explanation limiting their ability to register additional voters, advocates are left wondering why they were not allowed to organize a voter drive at the jail.

“One of the great challenges here and frustrations is the lack of transparency,” Williford said. “One of the great things about schools is that there are parent teacher associations that have access to schools and can look behind the walls to see what goes on. In jails and prisons, we have wardens and sheriffs that consistently don’t provide access. So the public doesn’t know what truly is going on.”

People in the criminal justice system often wrongly assume they can’t vote

Forté said that registering voters at the jail is a short process.

“First, they’re asked if they are eligible and they want to participate. And then they fill out an application in front of our registrar, and we submit those to the election board,” he said.

But advocates say the process is sometimes more complicated for people with a criminal history.

“I, myself, as someone who has felony convictions, I didn’t know that I had the right to vote, nor did I know I was eligible to vote,” McDonald said. “I, just like many, many other thousands of Missourians that are convicted felons, just assume we can’t vote.”

In Missouri, people with felony convictions regain their right to vote once they complete their sentences and are no longer under supervision. McDonald said that participating in elections is an important step in preventing recidivism.

“The data tells us that when individuals involved with criminal pasts (vote), they’re more invested in their community and their chances of recommitting a crime lessen because they’re invested in their community,” McDonald said.

Calvert said that if the sheriff needs assistance registering voters, LWVKC is happy to help. “Yes, I would personally go,” she said.

With less than 48 hours left before the voter registration deadline, MORE2 was continuing to urge the sheriff to allow voter groups such as LWVKC or the NAACP to enter the jail to provide information and register eligible voters.

“We hear that the sheriff says that he’s registered 45 people because no one else was interested, but there is an absolute belief that if people know about their right to vote, they’re going to engage in that registration process,” Williford said. “That lack of transparency and openness fuels this level of distrust, and of course, helps to suppress the vote.”

Source: Jackson County sheriff won’t let voter registration groups inside jail, citing a law that doesn’t exist

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Ex-Kansas City detective Roger Golubski arrested, indicted Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:13:41 +0000 Ex-detective long-accused of sexually preying on Black women arrested on federal charges Margaret Stafford and John Hanna Associated Press TOPEKA, Kan. – A former Kansas ...

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Ex-detective long-accused of sexually preying on Black women arrested on federal charges

Margaret Stafford and John Hanna

Associated Press

TOPEKA, Kan. – A former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective who has long been accused of sexually preying on Black women during criminal investigations was indicted Thursday on charges that he sexually abused two women, the FBI said.

Roger Golubski, 69, was arrested at his home in Edwardsville after a federal grand jury indicted him on six counts of civil rights violations.

During a 15-minute hearing, U.S. Magistrate Judge Rebecca Schwarz entered a not guilty plea to all six charges for Golubski, who asked to remain silent. She set a hearing for 3 p.m. Monday on whether he should remain behind bars before his trial. A pretrial hearing was scheduled for Oct. 12.

“I am so happy and stunned at the arrest of that man,” one of his alleged victims, Ophelia Williams, said in a statement released by MORE2, a civil rights organization. “I pray that after so many years we finally get justice, people can finally relax, and I can finally sleep at night.”

The Associated Press and USA TODAY generally do not name alleged victims of sexual assault, but Williams has allowed her name to be used in previous stories.

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FILE - This undated photo provided by the Edwardsville Police Department shows former Kansas City, Kansas Police detective Roger Golubski. The former police detective who has long been accused of preying on Black women during criminal investigations was indicted Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, on charges that he sexually abused two women, the FBI said.

Golubski’s court-appointed attorney, Tom Lemon of Topeka, indicated that he will ask that Golubski be released before trial because he undergoes daily treatments for serious health issues, including dialysis three or four days a week for failing kidneys.

Golubski is also receiving treatment after quintuple heart bypass surgery in April and takes insulin shots for diabetes, said Lemon, who declined to comment after the hearing.

“He has been told that if he misses six dialysis treatments, he is going to die,” Lemon said in court. “If he doesn’t receive that daily treatment, he’s going to have trouble helping me in his defense.”

Golubski spoke only when Schwarz asked him whether he wanted her to appoint an attorney for him.

Assault allegations ranged from 1998 to 2002

Golubski retired in 2010 after working for the Kansas City Police Department for 35 years. The FBI has been investigating allegations that Golubski, who is white, sexually assaulted Black women in the city and exchanged drugs for information during criminal investigations.

The federal indictment announced Thursday accuses Golubski of sexually assaulting two women, identified as S.K., and O.W., on several occasions between 1998 and 2002. The indictment does not state the race of the women.

He is accused of raping both women and forcing them to perform oral sex on him several times in his vehicle and at the women’s homes. Golubski’s conduct included aggravated sexual abuse and kidnapping, according to the indictment.

If convicted of any of the counts, Golubski could be sentenced to life in prison.

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Civil rights groups sought probe for years

Civil rights groups for years sought an investigation into Golubski’s conduct. The allegations against him drew more attention after Lamont McIntyre, who spent 23 years in prison for a double murder he didn’t commit, sued Golubski and other Kansas City, Kansas, officers after he was released.

McIntyre and his mother, Rose McIntyre, alleged in the lawsuit that Golubski framed Lamont for a double homicide in 1994 because Rose refused the detective’s sexual demands. The local government agreed in June to settle the lawsuit for $12.5 million.

When deposed by McIntyre’s lawyers in the case, Golubski invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination hundreds of times. He has consistently declined media requests to comment on the allegations.

Cheryl Pilate and Lindsay Runnels, attorneys for the McIntyres, commended federal law enforcement agencies on the arrest.

The Midwest Innocence Project, a civil rights group that works to free wrongfully convicted inmates, said in a statement that Golubski’s arrest was “the first step” in finding justice for those harmed by law enforcement officials, particularly Black women.

Kansas City police Chief Karl Oakman and Wyandotte County District Attorney Mark Dupree each issued a statement pledging to continue cooperating with the investigation and said the arrest proved that no one was above the law.

Executives with MORE2, which also pushed for an investigation into Golubski, applauded his arrest.

“It took over three decades, thirty years of this man living like he is a law-abiding citizen and he is one of the biggest criminals we have in Wyandotte County,” MORE 2 board member Violet Martin said in a statement. She believes her brother and cousin are wrongfully incarcerated because of Golubski.

A diner used servers’ tip money to pay its bussers’ wages. Now it has to pay $1.35 million.

In 2020, a coalition of Kansas lawmakers, religious leaders and racial justice advocates asked the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to investigate Golubski and other members of the department who were accused of misconduct and abuse.

And in 2021, an organization run by rapper Jay-Z filed a petition seeking records from the police department related to what it called a history of officer misconduct within the department.

Source: Ex-Kansas City detective Roger Golubski arrested, indicted

The post Ex-Kansas City detective Roger Golubski arrested, indicted first appeared on MORE2.

Former Kansas City police detective Golubski charged with abusing Black women – The Washington Post Thu, 15 Sep 2022 17:20:22 +0000 Retired detective Roger Golubski, who is White, is accused of using his power as a law enforcement official to sexually abuse two Black women more ...

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Retired detective Roger Golubski, who is White, is accused of using his power as a law enforcement official to sexually abuse two Black women more than 20 years ago.

Source: Former Kansas City police detective Golubski charged with abusing Black women – The Washington Post

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Ex-Kansas police detective charged with preying on women – Boston Herald Thu, 15 Sep 2022 17:12:25 +0000 By MARGARET STAFFORD and JOHN HANNA TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective who has long been accused of sexually preying ...

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TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective who has long been accused of sexually preying on Black women during criminal investigations was indicted Thursday on charges that he sexually abused two women, the FBI said.

Roger Golubski, 69, was arrested at his home in Edwardsville after a federal grand jury indicted him on six counts of civil rights violations.

During a 15-minute hearing, U.S. Magistrate Judge Rebecca Schwartz entered a not guilty plea to all six charges for Golubski, who asked to remain silent. She set a hearing for 3 p.m. Monday on whether he should remain behind bars before his trial. A pretrial hearing was scheduled for Oct. 12.

“I am so happy and stunned at the arrest of that man,” one of his alleged victims, Ophelia Williams, said in a statement released by MORE2, a civil rights organization. “I pray that after so many years we finally get justice, people can finally relax, and I can finally sleep at night.”

The Associated Press generally does not name alleged victims of sexual assault, but Williams has allowed her name to be used in previous stories.

Golubski’s court-appointed attorney, Tom Lemon of Topeka, indicated that he will ask that Golubski be released before trial because he undergoes daily treatments for serious health issues, including dialysis three or four days a week for failing kidneys.

Golubski is also receiving treatment after quintuple heart bypass surgery in April and takes insulin shots for diabetes, said Lemon, who declined to comment after the hearing.

“He has been told that if he misses six dialysis treatments, he is going to die,” Lemon said in court. “If he doesn’t receive that daily treatment, he’s going to have trouble helping me in his defense.”

Golubski spoke only when Schwartz asked him whether he wanted her to appoint an attorney for him.

Golubski retired in 2010 after working for the Kansas City Police Department for 35 years. The FBI has been investigating allegations that Golubski, who is white, sexually assaulted Black women in the city and exchanged drugs for information during criminal investigations.

The federal indictment announced Thursday accuses Golubski of sexually assaulting two women, identified as S.K., and O.W., on several occasions between 1998 and 2002. The indictment does not state the race of the women.

He is accused of raping both women and forcing them to perform oral sex on him several times in his vehicle and at the women’s homes. Golubski’s conduct included aggravated sexual abuse and kidnapping, according to the indictment.

If convicted of any of the counts, Golubski could be sentenced to life in prison.

Civil rights groups for years sought an investigation into Golubski’s conduct. The allegations against him drew more attention after Lamont McIntyre, who spent 23 years in prison for a double murder he didn’t commit, sued Golubski and other Kansas City, Kansas, officers after he was released.

McIntyre and his mother, Rose McIntyre, alleged in the lawsuit that Golubski framed Lamont for a double homicide in 1994 because she refused the detective’s sexual demands. The local government agreed in June to settle the lawsuit for $12.5 million.

When deposed by McIntyre’s lawyers in the case, Golubski invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination hundreds of times. He has consistently declined media requests to comment on the allegations.

Cheryl Pilate and Lindsay Runnels, attorneys for the McIntyres, commended federal law enforcement agencies on the arrest.

“We are hopeful the justice system delivers the accountability that the Kansas City, Kansas community deserves,” they said in a statement.

The Midwest Innocence Project, a civil rights group that works to free wrongfully convicted inmates, said in a statement that Golubski’s arrest was “the first step” in finding justice for those harmed by law enforcement officials, particularly Black women.

“A full investigation into the abuses in Wyandotte County and systemic reforms are needed to ensure that no other police officers and public officials can continue to abuse their power,” the organization said in a news release.

Kansas City police Chief Karl Oakman and Wyandotte County District Attorney Mark Dupree each issued a statement pledging to continue cooperating with the investigation and said the arrest proved that no one was above the law.

Executives with MORE2, which also pushed for an investigation into Golubski, applauded his arrest.

“It took over three decades, thirty years of this man living like he is a law-abiding citizen and he is one of the biggest criminals we have in Wyandotte County,” MORE 2 board member Violet Martin said in a statement. She believes her brother and cousin are wrongfully incarcerated because of Golubski.

In 2020, a coalition of Kansas lawmakers, religious leaders and racial justice advocates asked the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to investigate Golubski and other members of the department who were accused of misconduct and abuse.

And in 2021, an organization run by rapper Jay-Z filed a petition seeking records from the police department related to what it called a history of officer misconduct within the department.


This story has been corrected to show that the magistrate’s last name is Schwartz, not Schwarz. It also has been updated to show that Morgan Roach is no longer Golubski’s attorney.


Stafford reported from Liberty, Missouri.

Source: Ex-Kansas police detective charged with preying on women – Boston Herald

The post Ex-Kansas police detective charged with preying on women – Boston Herald first appeared on MORE2.

‘They’ve Gotten Zero Justice Whatsoever’: MORE2 fights for survivors seeking Justice Wed, 03 Aug 2022 17:03:57 +0000   .entry-header Two Black women who reportedly were victimized by an abusive and corrupt retired Kansas City detective are prohibited from taking civil action because ...

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Two Black women who reportedly were victimized by an abusive and corrupt retired Kansas City detective are prohibited from taking civil action because of state law.

According to reports, Roger Golubski, a white man, had a penchant for Black women, and he would use his power as a police officer to sexually exploit them. In one instance, he framed a woman’s son for murder when she rejected his demands for sex.

Ophelia Williams told The Kansas City Star, Golbuski forced himself on her after officers arrested her twin 14-year-old boys in 1999.

A lawyer during a disposition proceeding asked Williams if she ever called the police.

“No,” she responded. “He was the police.”

This undated photo provided by the Edwardsville Police Department shows Former Kansas City, Kansas Police detective Roger Golubski. (Edwardsville Police Department via AP, File)

Golubski worked for the Kansas City Police Department for 35 years. During that time it reportedly was well-known in the department that he would have sex with Black female prostitutes and informants and fathered a number of illegitimate children, according to court documents. In the 1980s, he forced Rose McIntyre to perform oral sex to save her boyfriend from a false arrest. He then arrested her son Lamonte for double murder after she blocked a second sexual encounter. Rose’s son was exonerated after spending 23 years in prison.

The McIntyres’ case exposed Golubski, who retired in 2010 as a captain. Attorneys for the McIntyre family claim in the lawsuit the detective preyed on about 70 women. He is reportedly facing a grand jury and state investigation. Williams said she hopes he is indicted and sent to prison.

Lamonte and Rose McIntyre received $12.5 million in settlement from the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas at the end of June. It was a far cry from the nearly $100 million they sought. But state law, blocks Williams, whose sons were also arrested for a double murder, from suing.

The detective told Williams that he was close with the district attorney and could help her get her sons out of jail, she said. Several days earlier, Golubski was with officers when they executed a warrant at her home. He told her she had nice legs and her 12-year-old would will be just as pretty when she grows up.

As he sat with her and talked about aiding her son, he reportedly drew closer to the woman and put his hand on her leg. She stood up and smacked it away even after seeing his department-issued gun. Golubski pushed Williams on a couch and sexually assaulted her, she said. The sexual abuse continued for about more than a year, according to a 2020 deposition.

Williams said she never reported the assaults because she feared retaliation. She had up to two years to file a sexual assault claim under Kansas law. Williams has since hired attorney William Skepnek, who said there should not be a statute of limitations for breaches of “public trust like this.”

In another deposition, Tina Peterson said she helped “numerous” Golubski alleged victims while working at shelter for battered women in the 1980s. He would “dump” some “still undressed, when he was done with them,” she added.

Another woman only identified in court documents as S.K. said Golubski started abusing her in 1997 when she was 13. It continued for four years.

Kansas is one of four states, including Arkansas, South Dakota and Washington, where child victims can sue up until they turn 21 years old. Iowa is the only state with a lower age limit at 19. Numerous legislative attempts to raise or remove Kansas’ time limit on sexual assault lawsuits have failed.

Lora McDonald, executive director of the Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity, said the restrictions are “bogus” and said they should never exist for rape survivors.

“(Golubski) is still living and … has a couple of pensions off of the tax dollars that these women earned and paid into, and they know that,” McDonald said. “They’re paying for his very survival and how he lives in retirement, and they’ve gotten zero justice whatsoever.”

K.C. said the former lawman called her and said she was a witness to a crime, and she needed to meet with him to absolve herself from wrongdoing. Golubski reportedly molested and raped the girl. He allegedly threatened to kill her and harm her family if she reported it.

“He told me just keep my mouth shut and that if I wanted to see my sweet little grandma again, he advised me not to talk to anyone or speak to anybody, and basically act as if he didn’t exist,” she said. “Or I would be kissing my grandma goodbye or my brother would be doing life in jail.”

In another instance, Golubski put a dog leash around K.C.’s neck and walked next to her as she crawled.

“Down by the river, said a hanky panky, where they won’t find you until you stankin,” she said Golubski would sing.

“I can dump you off in that river and nobody will ever know s—,” K.C. said he told her. “You’re an orphan. Nobody even knows you missing.”

Siobaughn Nichols wrote in a 2014 affidavit that Golubski “especially liked young women — very young, sometimes.” Two were as young as 12 and 16, whom he reportedly paid for sex. One was her cousin, she wrote.

“People seemed to believe that Detective Golubski ran Wyandotte County because he could seemingly get away with anything,” she wrote.




Source: ‘They’ve Gotten Zero Justice Whatsoever’: A Former Kansas City Detective is Accused of Sexually Assaulting Black Women, Girls and Treating Some Like Animals. State’s Statute of Limitations Stops Them from Suing

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